The Congress party has elevated seat-sharing talks with its partners in the INDIA bloc as a top priority for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Mukul Wasnik, a member of Congress’s ‘national alliance committee,’ announced that discussions with member parties would commence soon, following a series of meetings with state leaders. The committee presented its report to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, Rahul Gandhi, and Organization General Secretary KC Venugopal.
Wasnik stated, “We reported the feedback we received from states on how Congress should proceed with seat-sharing talks with INDIA bloc parties. We will now hold state-wise discussions and reach out to the parties to discuss seat-sharing arrangements.”
While Congress refrained from setting a specific deadline for concluding seat-sharing talks, it emphasized that party leadership unanimously considers it a high priority crucial for challenging the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Kharge accused the BJP of diverting attention from its governance failures by raising emotive issues. He stressed the need for Congress workers to overcome internal differences and focus on a united front against the BJP in the upcoming elections.